Preparing for Our Academy Support Sessions Thank you for taking the time to complete this quick intake so we can more effectively support you in our upcoming synchronous support sessions for the Language Lens Academy! 1. Your email address * 2. State what outcomes you'd like to achieve as a result of us working together * 3. Check your top 1-3 focus areas from the Language Lens Academy topics below * ELL/MLL basics, including ELL/MLL data and levels of language acquisition How to support Newcomers in general education classrooms Standards-based, rigorous learning (Depth of Knowledge/DOK) Language-rich classrooms, including how to engage students in reading, writing, listening and speaking in every classroom ELL/MLL teacher and general education teacher teaming practices Leadership vision around transformative equity Amplifying tasks so that they are more accessible to all learners Ensuring equity of voice/discourse in all classrooms 4. Our sessions will move through a sequence of learn, apply and reflect. Leaders will be expected to do pre-work and implementation work between each session. * Please indicate that you understand these expectations and that you will communicate these expectations to your team participating in our sessions. I agree and I will communicate these expectations to my team. I disagree. Thank you! We look forward to working together!